Galactic Civilizations III v3.2 (Released 12/12)
Published on Wednesday, December 12, 2018 By Brad Wardell In Galactic Civilizations III
Welcome to Galactic Civilization III v3.2. We have increased the effects civilization's personality traits on diplomacy, conversations, and what ships to build. The Intrigue AI has also hired an accountant to better manage its taxes.
Change Log Notes
Base Game
- Stars are placed a slightly further apart than before in order to make each system independent from others.
- AI more aggressive at sending out constructors to build starbases
- Personality traits are given much greater consideration when deciding what topics the civilization wants to discuss.
- Personality traits are now given much greater consideration for deciding what types of ships to build when at peace.
- Personality traits are now given much greater consideration when deciding what kinds of treaties and offers to give to the player.
Diplomacy ability bonus to relations reduced from 2 to 1.
- AI manages its tax rate more effectively.
- Changed default # of colonies before a government is allowed from 3 to 2.
Heroes of Star Control
- If you don't own the either the Mercenaries or Intrigue expansion packs, you can now still get Jeff
- Jeff is already perfect and shuns your attempts to "upgrade" him
- Added custom Starbases for Mukay, Tywom, and Free Trandals (Mowlings starbases are unchanged)