Who's WHO of Sins..
Sins of a Solar Empire is a game conceived and developed by Ironclad Games. Ironclad is a game development studio located Vancouver Canada.
Stardock Entertainment is the publisher. It is most recently known for developing and publishing Galactic Civilizations II.
So how did we meet? What's the story? Ironclad has an incredibly cool game in development. I've spent a lot of time playing it -- more time than I really should but that's another story! There will be a lot of analogies used to try to explain what it's like but to me, it reminds me of what Total Annihilation might have been like in space but with a lot of diplomatic and economic features as well.
It's technically a "real time" strategy game but unlike most RTS's, this one really isn't about who can click around on things the most. It plays a lot like a traditional 4X game where the winner is not the guy who is the best mouse jockey but the player that can develop the best overall strategy.
Anyway, how did we meet? Ironclad was looking for someone to publish their game. Someone who could publish their game at retail as well as digitally. Galactic Civilizations II has already sold a couple hundred thousand copies worldwide in only 8 months -- most of those copies sold at your local retailer. Because of Stardock's experience in marketing, advertising, and publishing space strategy games, we and Ironclad were a perfect fit.
With our combined talents, we hope to deliver a game that will really stand the test of time as a truly unique gaming experience. Stay tuned!