Highlights of what's new in Twilight of the Arnor
New opening cut-scene of course...
The Campaign:
New Start-up Options: Immense sized galaxies, Tech stealing option, Ascension Victory Condition:
New Logos:
Lots of different Technology trees to choose from:
Much better planet graphics:
MUCH better ship graphics - a total overhaul and a reduced memory foot print!
Starbases tell you how many modules are still available:
Ascension starbases add a new diplomatic twist:
Finance Manager:
Much improved computer AI all-around:
New ambassador from Earth:
Each race has their own set of planetary improvements:
Lots and lots of unique technologies per civilization:
New random events:
Historical Events:
Updated Trade Screen with interactive help:
Technology Details dialog:
More sophisticated AI for trading:
Unique technologies that fit the civilization using it:
Familiar planets look so much better:
Even the humans get a bunch of new, meaningful technologies with rich descriptions:
The technology tree now has icons that tell you what you get with mouse-overs:
Even the improvement descriptions can be lengthy and useful now:
The enhanced graphics really do make quite a difference:
Immense sized galaxies are offensively large. Ridiculously large. You people are insane.
Because every civilization has its own technology tree, the technologies can be used to provide backstory:
New Options:
New Ship Design screen with the ability to animate any part:
Lots of new...ahem...dialog:
By default, the computer will design ships for you:
Improved UI graphics:
AI going for ascension victory:
Improved battle effects (thanks to I-Mod):
New ship components such as the Integrity field can add extra hitpoints to your ships - at a cost:
Other new components can give bonuses to weapons in fleet battles.
And of course, Terror Stars!