Frogboy's end of June message

Published on Tuesday, June 30, 2009 By Brad Wardell In Demigod Journals

Only a couple hours and I am out of here until next week! W00t!

Of course, my friends at Stardock and Gas Powered Games will still be around and they’re cooking up so many different things that it’s agonizing waiting for it all.

Lots happening around here. I have to write 60,000 words between now and July 31st for a book I’m writing to make the publisher’s deadline. There will be a lot info on that later this Summer.

The Impulse team is about to put out a massive 4th of July sale.  Over the last couple of months people may not have noticed that Impulse has started getting the rest of the major publishers on board. Activision is on there with Prototype and Call of Duty 4. Ubi Soft is on there with Prince of Persia, Farcry 2, etc.  Other titles are arriving as fast as the team can get them up.

With Demigod, we continue to formalize our the plan with developer Gas Powered Games on what additions and changes to make to the game over the coming months.  Pretty much every significant item that’s been brought up is on our list. Other journals talk about plans for v1.2 and beyond so I won’t spend time on that.  In the near term, v1.1 updates are the focus.

With one of the upcoming v1.1 updates, we are looking at having a tournament week once we’re happy with the robustness and fidelity of the stat system in the game. What we’d do is email everyone who has the game and let them know about it and have live updates on how it’s going.

Really though, that’ll be a warm up to what we are likely to see with v1.2 since 1.2 will have robust replay viewing support and such and then people can post the results from different games and such.

Anyway, I’ll be out of touch for a few days. Don’t burn the place down while I’m gone.  Have fun!