I need a good hiding place…

Published on Monday, March 19, 2012 By Brad Wardell In Elemental Dev Journals

You want the good news or the bad news?

Oh, you want the good news right? Of course. You want that? You want that first anyway? I’m not brave enough to do it the other way.

Well, the good news is that next week, I’ll be traveling to California to visit with the gaming media to talk about Elemental: Fallen Enchantress and Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion.  So hopefully we’ll be able to get some coverage and I won’t lie to you, WE WILL NEED YOUR HELP.

I say that because if you’re reading this, you are familiar with the whole Internet thing.  Here’s how it goes:

Website X will write a preview of Fallen Enchantress.

FallenEnchantress_1331650367First comment will be “Elemental sucked, they should give up on it! I doubt this is going to make any difference”

Hopefully, you, reading this, have played the beta and hopefully you agree that, Fallen Enchantress is turning out to be very very good, especially when you consider our current estimated target release date is this Fall (think of where War of Magic was at this stage).  So we’re going to need all the help we can get to get the word out that Fallen Enchantress is turning out really well.

Because without positive confirmation from actual people playing the beta, it is, as GamersWithJobs’s podcast recently put it, “doomed”.

Now, the bad news…

There won’t be a beta update this week. The team is trying to get the build ready for Beta 3 which is what I’ll be showing next week.  When I get back, we’ll be putting it together for you guys. It’ll have the dramatically changed Quendar and Gilden factions. We think you’re really going to like what we’re doing with faction differentiation and can’t wait to get your feedback.