The GalCiv III tentative schedule!

Published on Friday, March 28, 2014 By Brad Wardell In Galactic Civilizations III


Hey everyone!

Island Dog here with an update to the schedule now that the beta has released. Please note that this is a TENTATIVE schedule that is subject to change, though we’re very happy with where we are in the development process.

Happy conquering!




March 2014: Alpha 1 - First release!
The very first version of the game.


April 2014: Alpha 2 - Shipyard added!
This version addressed early feedback and some new UI improvements, tech tree changes, and ideology tree changes.


June 2014: Alpha 3 - Starports and more!
We’re adding some big features and making huge changes to a few more with this alpha release. This includes larger maps, improved AI, starports, multiplayer fixes, an improved ship designer (based on your feedback from Alpha 2), resources, performance improvements and numerous UI updates.


August 2014: Beta 1 - Terraforming! Ideology rework! Tons of other stuff!
Now that the game is something approaching fun, we’re calling it a beta. This release adds a ton of stuff (and the regular $49.99 price, discounted to $44.99 during Early Access). See here for more:


October 2014: Beta 2 - Diplomacy! Trade! United Planets! Krynn Syndicate! Global Events!
October will be a big month for GalCiv III. Many of the non-combat paths open up at this point, and we introduce global events and the fifth faction, the Krynn Syndicate.


December 2014: Beta 3 - Combat! Yor Singularity!
This is the big combat update. Ground invasions, our new take on fleet combat, and the sinister mechanical Yor join the beta before the end of the year.


Early 2015: Iteration, balance, polish, factions 7 & 8, and more!

April 2015: Release!



Greetings everyone!

Island Dog here updating you on the current iteration of the TENTATIVE schedule for Galactic Civilizations III development.

In case the all-caps weren’t clear, everything from Alpha 3 on is subject to change.

Thanks for your support!


March 2014: Alpha 1 - First release!
The very first version of the game.

April 2014: Alpha 2 - Shipyard added!
This version addressed early feedback and some new UI improvements, tech tree changes, and ideology tree changes.

June 2014: Alpha 3 - Starports and more!
We’re adding some big features and making huge changes to a few more with this alpha release. This includes larger maps, improved AI, starports, multiplayer fixes, an improved ship designer (based on your feedback from Alpha 2), resources, performance improvements and numerous UI updates.

Summer 2014: Alpha 4 - Even more systems!
We will discuss the features introduced in this patch at a later date.

Late Summer 2014: Beta 1 - (Mostly) feature complete!
Thanks in part to the valuable feedback provided by our Elite Founders, we’ll have most if not all of the major systems and features implemented in the game at this point.

This is also the point during Galactic Civilizations III development at which the Founders Elite Edition goes off sale forever, replaced by the normal $49.99 game.

Fall 2014 to Release: Beta iteration
Anything that didn’t make it into the initial beta release will be added in the following months, and we’ll be polishing, tweaking, and fixing bugs throughout until we’re happy with calling the game “finished.”

And then we’ll get to work on post-launch patches, DLC and expansions, naturally. But it’ll be officially launched at that point.



Greetings everyone!

There's been lots of questions regarding the development schedule of GalCiv III. Below is our *tentative* schedule for the game:

March 2014: Alpha 1
(the version you have now along with some minor updates)

April 2014: Alpha 2
(this version will begin to address early feedback and some new UI improvements, tech tree changes, ideology tree changes)

May 2014: BETA 1!
(This version is when the Founder Elite Edition goes away and is replaced by the normal, $49.99 game which is expected to be priced at a discount. So those people who don't like the $99 Founder Elite Edition who just want GalCiv III and would like to get it early and at a discount, this is the version you'll want.)

June 2014: BETA 1A
(this version is expected to bring in the Shipyard -- the in game ship designer amongst other things)

August 2014: BETA 2
(Diplomacy, Trade, Influence victories, culture, more in depth economics)

October 2014: BETA 3
(The Fleet Combat screen)

Beyond this point: Polish, Tweaking, Fixing, repeat.

Expected final release is 2Q2015 (April through June).