Xbox One vs. PS4 thread
Published on Saturday, February 14, 2015 By Brad Wardell In PC Gaming
I don't really have a dog in the console wars. Personally, I think both the new consoles are pretty outstanding from a hardware point of view.
That said, a few uncomfortable truths:
- The PS4 hardware is better. Significantly. There's no amount of hand waving that make XBO's choice of DDR3 go away.
- People are too hung up on hardware. Hardware mattered more in the 90s but software is king. All the HW in the world won't make a DirectX 9 game be able to deliver more than 10k batches per frame today.
- The visual difference between an XBO and a PS4 game are going to ultimately be trivial.
- DirectX 12 will make a big difference for the XBO in the long run.
- Sony will almost certainy adopt the next OpenGL spec (or Mantle) which will even the playing field.
- The graphics stacks on the PS4 and the XBO currently are not very parallel so there's a lot of room to grow.
- The raw computing power of the XBO and PS4 is about 6 times the previous generation was.
- The previous generation graphics stack never maximized the use of the hardware or came very close imo.