Stardock Forums 2016 changes

Published on Tuesday, November 29, 2016 By Brad Wardell In Stardockians


This Fall Stardock began a major overhaul across the board of its community infrastructure.

The first update was of our customization site ( to greatly speed it up.

The next update was to speed up our forums across all the Stardock community sites.

This past week, we launched the third major update: Forum community awards.  You will notice on people's posts that there are various little dots and awards by their names.  We will be adding more as time goes on.

Here's where you come in:

  1. What other awards do you want to see? (mouse over them to see what they are, the tooltip is a bit slow right now, fixing now)
  2. What other features would you like to see on the forums that would make you inclined to use our forums more?

We are gradually going around and promoting users so that they get more pips. It'll take a few months for that to get completed.