GalCiv III v1.9 Changelog
Published on Tuesday, November 29, 2016 By Brad Wardell In GalCiv III Dev Journals
This is an opt-in patch:
To enable the patch, please do the following:
- Select Galactic Civilization III in your Steam Library list
- Right-click and select Properties
- Select the BETAS tab
- From the dropdown, select opt-in and click Close (if you don't see this option, restart Steam)
- Steam should pull down the changed files; if you ever want to go back, do the same as above but select default
Please note: The opt-in is an early preview of the next update and you might experience bugs or other issues. We encourage players who try the opt-in to report any issues to the support forum or via support ticket so we can address them.
- Memory: introduced new texture compression for planetary and ship textures to greatly reduce memory usage and dramatically improve startup times.
- Removed legacy stopwatch code from the sound system
- Moved old profiling junk
- Reduced CPU usage of the particles and main graphics threads
- Removed redundant debug output
- Multithreaded the texture loading at the start of game to improve performance.
- AI builds scout ships later in the game to keep exploring very large galaxies
- Dramatically reduced AI >normal economic bonuses (no longer needs them)
- Re-designed the way the AI expands into the galaxy with colony ships so that its expansion no longer stalls on large maps
- Dramatically reduced the amount of time an AI will interact with a player if they are not within ship range
- AI doesn't try to bribe other players to go to war unless they and the other players have a decent military already
- AI will no longer give tech gifts to players with a different ideology (i.e. no more Drengin giving you tech if you're a nice person)
- AI now scales the number of similar ship projects based on number of colonies rather than a flat number
- AI pumps up colony ship production priority if there are a lot of nice planets laying around
- AI pumps out fewer Constructors in general
- Re-designed the way the AI determines which planets should get a shipyard to be more (way more) intelligent
- Updated AI's handling of adjacency bonuses to be more intelligent
- AI values planet quality more when picking planets to colonize
- AI somewhat more heuristic on tech research
- AI somewhat quicker to war
- Auto Surveying Survey Ships will now survey extra anomalies if the ship has extra movement points.
- Starbase minimum distance reduced from 5 to 3 tiles.
- AI tends to focus more on tech (generally) than previously.
- AI will build survey ships late in game.
- AI provided with a much wider variety of ship designs to choose from with the various strategies.
- AI weights units much more closely than previously in order to not make one virtually impossible to build.
- Opposing culture diplomatic penalty reduced from 1.25 to 1.1 if AI is benevolent.
- Opposing culture diplomatic penalty increased from 1.25 to 2 if AI is merciless.
- Opposing culture diplomatic penalty increased from 1.25 to 2 if AI is cruel.
- Close to victory diplomatic penalties increased from 1 to 5.
- Ripe for conquest diplomacy penalty reduced from 0.75 to 0.1 if AI is benevolent.
- Ripe for conquest diplomacy penalty increased from 0.75 to 1.25 if AI is aggressive.
- Minimum planet class to be a manufacturing world reduced from 7 to 4.
- Max number of colony ships the AI will construct at once increased from 2 to 3.
- Max slider focus reduced from 95% to 75% (to deal with coercion penalty).
- Coercion forgiveness eliminated (there is always some coercion if you move off from center).
- Maximum coercion reduced from 50% to 35%.
- Colony Capital production points reduced from 5 to 1.
- Civilization Capital production points reduced from 5 to 1.
- Influence Radius root increased from 1.75 to 4 (i.e. influence ZOC will start out much much smaller now).
- Tech inflation penalty significantly reduced.
- Penalty for switching a constructor to a colony ship increased from 50% to 75% (yea, you know who you are).
- Pirates moved further away from starting location.
- Increased the variance for the various settings (minors, pirates, etc.).
- Modified the governor script to provide a bit more flexibility based on planet bonuses when building improvements.
- Colony capital maintenance eliminated.
- Colony capital hub provides a 2 (was 1) level bonus to adjacent buildings if they are population or manufacturing or research.
- Civ capital hub provides a 3 level bonus (was 1).
- Reduced maint. slightly on research buildings.
- Rare habitable planets decreased from 30% to 25%.
- Nebula and black holes and anomalies made much less common on all settings.
- Occasional planet frequency amount doubled from 1X to 2X.
- Common stars modifier increased from 0.9 to 1.
- Common planet frequency amount increased from 0.75X to 3X (this also fixes a bug where common was less than occasional).
- Abundant stars increased from 1X to 1.5X.
- Planet Frequency increased from 0.25X to 3.5X (also fixes bug).
- Tiny map base objects increased from 32 to 120 (i.e. tiny maps will be a lot more filled).
- Small map base object count increased from 64 to 150.
- Medium map Base object count increased from 110 to 200.
- Large map base object count increased from 155 to 300 (i.e. over twice as many stars/planets/etc. in a particular size).
- Huge map base object count increased from 250 to 350.
- INSANE map object count INCREASED from 1200 to 1400!
- Sensor cost components reduced slightly.
- Cargo module cost reduced from 27 to 10 (cheaper colony ships -- but remember, planets now rely more on population for their production).
- Tiny hull cost reduced from 11 to 10.
- Small hull cost reduced from 25 to 20.
- Medium hull HP increased from 100 to 120.
- Large hull cost increased from 128 to 300.
- Large hull HP increased from 250 to 600.
- Large hull storage increased from 100 to 120.
- Large hull logistics cost increased from 7 to 10.
- Huge hull cost increased from 432 to 500.
- Huge hull HP increased from 500 to 800.
- Huge hull storage increased from 250 to 300.
- Huge hull logistics increased from 10 to 16.
- Cargo hull cost reduced from 42 to 24.
- Cargo hull HP reduced from 10 to 1.
- Cargo hull logistics increased from 5 to 6.
Improvements/Bugs Fixes
- Added author fields for maps, factions and ships.
- Starbases will now notify the you that they need to be upgraded after being initially built.
- Fixed double counting of trade routes for AI diplomacy purposes.
- Fixed late game crashes related to textures on large maps.
- Fixed an infrequent crash on loading large maps.
- Fixed bug that could cause the AI to see tiles in the opposite map position of where they were exploring.
- Fixed a bug that could cause the AI to reduce the priority weighting on colony ship production based on the # of targetable planets.
- If a player faction is set to random in the prefs.ini file, the quick-start tooltip will no longer display an invalid faction.
- Fixed an issue where if you changed the planetary spending wheel, the displayed. manufacturing time for improvements wasn't being updated at the same time.
- Clicking available projects tabs no longer resets the improvement cursor.
- Add ESC to close Ship Designer and Diplomacy screens.
- Starbases no longer incorrectly show the upgrade option when none avail.
- Fixed a crash related to the AI defying the UP.\
If you want to read my Dev Diary full of me complaining and whining and how I worked on the update visit here: and here: