Ashes of the Singularity: Escalation v2.03 changelog (Released 1/26)

Published on Tuesday, January 10, 2017 By Brad Wardell In Ashes of the Singularity

**RELEASED 1/26/17**


  • Eliminator Turret damage increased from 1000 to 2000
  • Starburst Turret damage increased from 80 to 200
  • Artemis logistics cost increased from 6 to 8
  • Thantos sight radius increased from 500m to 800m
  • Athena HP reduced from 2000 to 1200
  • Engineer build time increased from 25 to 26
  • Strategic Bomber cost increased from 120 metal to 480 metal
  • Strategic Bomber cost increased from 800 rads to 1200 rads
  • Drone Hive shield recharge reduced from 2 per sec to 1 per sec
  • Mauler max shield increased to 1200
  • Mauler rad cost increased from 60 to 80 rads
  • Destructor logistics cost increased from 4 to 8
  • Substrate Constructor build time increased from 24s to 26s
  • Punisher radioactive cost increased from 240 to 280 rads
  • Punisher shields increased from 800 to 1200
  • Dominator build time increased from 50 to 60 seconds
  • Barrager turret build time increased from 100 to 120 seconds
  • Artillery turret rad cost increased from 180 to 240
  • Artillery turret build time increased from 120 to 180
  • PHC Refinery HP reduced from 1500 to 800
  • PHC Quantum Relay build time reduced from 70s to 60s
  • Air Eliminator Turret Rad cost increased from 270 to 600 (this is an end game ultimate air defense)
  • Air Eliminator Turret build time increased from 120 to 240
  • Sky Ender Turret build time increased from 80 to 240
  • Sky Ender Turret rad cost increased from 60 to 600 rads (this is an end game ultimate air defense)
  • Increased Caregiver logistics from 3 to 30
  • Harbinger shields increased from 600 to 4000 (designed to be an incredibly resilient air unit)
  • Harbinger rad cost increased from 800 to 1200
  • Caregiver vision increased from 500m to 1000m


  • Added unique icons for AA and Mixed Turrets
  • Made the attack-move order preview in strategic view red
  • UI now displays the proper cooldown percentages for "custom" cooldown lengths.


  • Fixed a crash with when updating Constructor orders.
  • Athena weapon effects are now properly aligned with its weapons.
  • Smartie missiles now use all of its tubes.
  • Fix issue with "Paranoid Android" achievement that prevented it from being completed reliably
  • Fixed a crash related to selecting a specific unit within a formation
  • Units will no longer stop moving if their destination region is captured before they arrive.
  • Typo fixes


  • Europa: Give bonus logistics to cover cost of free Dreadnaughts
  • Betelgeuse: Added additional Artemis waves
  • Yorkshire: Fixed a camera related crash
  • Lagoan - adjusted Aviary dialogue