Stardock games in the pipeline

Published on Friday, May 29, 2020 By Brad Wardell In PC Gaming

I've worked on a lot of games over the years.  It's really hard, on a personal level, to dedicate multiple years to a single project.  It's the nature of the business but at the end of each project I end up in quite a bit of a funk.  

Looking back on my own schedule here is what I've been worked on:

  • 1992: GalCiv OS/2
  • 1993: GalCiv OS/2
  • 1994: GalCiv OS/2
  • 1995: GalCiv 2 OS/2
  • 1996: Avarice
  • 1996: Trials of battle
  • 1996: Entrepreneur [Pear engine]
  • 1997: Entrepreneur [Pear engine]
  • 1998: Links Golf OS/2
  • 1998: StarCraft: Retribution
  • 1999: Business Tycoon [Pear engine]
  • 2000: The Corporate Machine [Pear engine]
  • 2001: The Corporate Machine [Pear engine]
  • 2002: GalCiv Windows [Pear engine]
  • 2003: GalCiv Windows [Pear engine]
  • 2004: The Political Machine [Pear engine]
  • 2005: GalCiv II Windows [Kumquat]
  • 2006: GalCiv II Windows [Kumquat]
  • 2007: Sins of a Solar Empire  [Iron]
  • 2007: GalCiv II Windows [Kumquat]
  • 2008: Demigod [Forge]
  • 2008: GalCiv II Windows [Kumquat]
  • 2009: GalCiv II Windows [Kumquat]
  • 2008: Sins of a Solar Empire [Iron]
  • 2009: Demigod [Forge]
  • 2009: Elemental [Kumquat NG]
  • 2010: Elemental [Kumquat NG]
  • 2011: Fallen Enchantress [Kumquat NG]
  • 2012: Fallen Enchantress [Kumquat NG]
  • 2012: The Political Machine [Kumquat]
  • 2013: Fallen Enchantress: Legendary Heroes [Kumquat NG]
  • 2014: Ashes of the Singularity [Nitrous]
  • 2014: Offworld Trading Company [Unity]
  • 2015: Ashes of the Singularity [Nitrous]
  • 2015: Offworld Trading Company [Unity]
  • 2015: Sorcerer King [Kumquat NG]
  • 2016: Ashes of the Singularity [Nitrous]
  • 2016: Sorcerer King  [Kumquat NG]
  • 2017: GalCiv III [Kumquat Galactic]
  • 2018: GalCiv III [Kumquat Galactic]
  • 2018: Star Control: Origins [Cider]
  • 2019: Star Control: Origins [Cider]
  • 2019: GalCiv III [Kumquat Galactic]
  • 2020: [UNANNOUNCED] [Cider]
Which brings us to the future projects:
  1. GalCiv IV [Kumquat Galactic]
  2. Unannounced game 1 
  3. Unannounced game 2 [Cider]
  4. Ashes of the Singularity II  [Cider]
  5. Star Control: Sequel [Cider]
There's quite a bit of demand for Ashes II.   Cider is built on Nitrous (think of Nitrous as the kernel and Cider as the game engine).  Unfortunately, we're pretty booked and the software group has threatened violence if I steal any more engineers.