GC4 Beta v0.75 preview
Published on Sunday, January 23, 2022 By Brad Wardell In GalCiv IV Early Access Feedback
This is, by no means, a complete list but here are some of the changes coming up:
- Unwavering ability adds +100 to rebellion resistance (Takes much longer to culture flip)
- Assigning a diplomat benefit increased from +1 to +3 relation points.
- Shared borders diplomatic penalty reduced from -2 to -1.5
- Want to conquer the galaxy effect on relations reduced from -2 to -1.5
- Civs with "Cruel" AI trait double the effect of the above.
- Base culture flip resistance increased from 10 to 100 (much slower to culturally flip a planet so that when you conquer a planet it doesn't just flip back).
- War endurance increased for most civs so that they won't ask for peace unless there's been a genuine change in status.
Enforce the habitable planet counts so that occasional really means it.
- Balance pass across habitable planet settings now that the setting is being enforced.
The influenceRadiusRoot changes over the course of the game so that all the players borders eventually grow to fill the map.
Diplomatic modifiers scale over the course of the game via # of turns.
Disabled code that was either preventing ships from moving or forcing them back into orbit.
Put in error checking code to prevent AI from seeing any planets it hasn't explored.
- AI much much beter at conducting galactic wars with its ships
Cruel AI players don't care about defending class 1 planet colonies. Sorry. You're screwed.
- Aggressive civs don't build defensive oriented ships.
- AI much better at managing its planets
- AI way less likely to declare war until they have a decent military.
Strip mining increases pollution by 1% (instead of 20%) (it adds up)
- AI smarter about what durational projects it will run.
- General planet improvement balance pass based on new economic factors.
- Fixed Bob.
- New music added.
- AI values larger ships more making them more likely to build them.
- Prestige victory categories get caps to prevent a runaway stat from resulting in game over, man!
- AI will now compare themselves iwth their opponents and adjust their strategies based on keeping up.
- AI much more likely to buidl starbases.
- Medium hull cost reduced from 60 to 30
- Medium hull design slots increased from 5 to 6
- Large hull size reduced from 120 to 60 (this will probably get more adjustments)
- Large hull design slots increased from 8 to 9
- Huge hull size cost reduced from 240 to 120 (this will probably be adjusted)
- Huge hull slots increased from 11 to 12.
Beta 0.75 will be out this week.