GalCiv IV: Supernova Dev Journal #26 - The Animals of AI

Published on Monday, September 25, 2023 By Brad Wardell In GalCiv IV Dev Journals

When utilizing Stardock's AlienGPT, one might naturally ponder the question: which animals are the most sought-after choices for building a civilization around? Well, here's the answer.



Nearly 40% of users opt for cats, followed by foxes, fish, dogs, snakes, and more.

Animal Number of Mentions Percentage (%)
cat 1445 30.90
fox 331 7.08
fish 320 6.84
dog 319 6.82
snake 258 5.52
bird 251 5.37
tiger 219 4.68
wolf 190 4.06
rabbit 170 3.63
monkey 151 3.23
bear 139 2.97
elephant 133 2.84
shark 125 2.67
lion 102 2.18
giraffe 102 2.18
turtle 97 2.07
horse 84 1.80
sheep 83 1.77
dolphin 82 1.75
whale 76 1.62


Galactic Civilizations IV: Supernova Dev Journals